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For skiers looking to test their skills and experience something unique, helicopter skiing is the natural choice. At Pure Powder, we understand that many first-timers may have a few reservations or concerns about the nature of the sport; with that in mind, we will delve into successful trip preparation to set your mind at ease and ensure that your experience is an unforgettable one.


Luckily, if you choose to enlist our services, we will make sure that the entire process is seamless and enjoyable – we know how to arrange our adventures to suit our clientele, regardless of their skiing level. In this quick read, we will explore a few crucial factors that will enhance your overall experience, including ski fitness and ability, tips and tricks, as well as the destinations that are best suited to rookie heli skiers.


With over four decades of experience in the industry, we have forged strong relationships with operators and remote lodges all over the world; this has allowed us to create a diverse line-up of adventures that caters to intermediate-level skiers and above, serving as the perfect way to throw yourself into this exhilarating backcountry activity. So, if you are eager to find out why so many ski enthusiasts rave about our beloved sport, we encourage you to read along with us.


Helicopter Skiing: Ski Fitness And Ability


For those planning to embark on their first heli skiing trip, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, let’s look at skiing level and experience. Most of our trip options require that skiers be at an intermediate level to fully embrace the challenges that come with backcountry skiing. We have explored what it means to be an intermediate piste skier in a few of our guides, so if you are unsure of how to define your skiing ability, we recommend checking those out.


With that being said, once you contact us, we will ask a range of questions designed to figure out your skiing level and experience – this is so that we can match you with an adventure and location that makes the most sense for you. Some of our trip options and destinations are catered to strong- to expert-level skiers, as the terrain simply lends itself to fast, vertical-focussed skiing. However, many of our adventures are perfectly suited to first-time heli skiers.


Another critical consideration is ski fitness, as while we do not expect you to be in ideal, movie-star shape for these experiences, an adequate level of fitness certainly enhances one’s skiing capabilities and overall enjoyment. As you can imagine, heading out into the backcountry without any form of physical preparation presents several challenges. Specifically, general fatigue, an increased likelihood of mistakes, the possibility of injury, and a reduced ability to match the pace of the group.


To help our clients better understand what it means to be “ski fit,” we have prepared a fitness training programme with the assistance of Craig McLean, who heads up the esteemed Putney Chiropractic Centre. This handy programme consists of many strengthening and stretching exercises that are intentionally designed to encourage success on the slopes.


It is worth noting that this training regimen is intended for skiers who already have a decent level of fitness, so if you still have some work to do before you would consider yourself to be at this level, it’s best to start slow and work your way up to the level this programme requires. Here are a few tips and tricks to do just that:




Cardio: As is the case with any form of skiing, the better your cardio is, the more runs you will be able to partake in. To enhance your endurance and provide your body with the tools it needs to handle the challenges of the wilderness, we suggest engaging in activities like cycling, swimming, and running. With that being said, the best way to get your “ski legs” is by skiing, so, if possible, the best preparation will always be time on the slopes. For this reason, we often recommend that first-time helicopter skiers spend some time practicing and refining their skills at a resort before heading out on one of our incredible adventures.


Flexibility: Another hallmark of expert skiers is a great level of flexibility. And there are a few reasons why it is so critical, including a reduced risk of injury and strains, increased range of motion, and an enhanced ability to make challenging turns and on-the-fly adjustments. Dynamic stretching is an integral aspect of any good ski fitness regimen, and Craig McLean tends to agree, which is why it forms the basis of our excellent fitness programme. Activities like yoga and Pilates are also fantastic when it comes to increasing flexibility, so if you have some extra time, it could be a good idea to sign up for a few classes.


Strength: We advise concentrating on exercises like wall sits, lunges, and squats that strengthen your legs and core. Ultimately, being stable and in control in deep powder requires powerful legs and a strong core. To improve your general strength, you should think about including exercises like deadlifts and step-ups in your workouts. This will allow you to tackle the challenges of the backcountry with confidence and make the most of the remarkable skiing experience ahead of you.




Helicopter Skiing: Beginner-Friendly Trips


At Pure Powder, we organise helicopter skiing adventures all over the world, and some are ideal for first-timers looking to get their foot in the door and get involved in our exciting sport. Let’s get into a few of the locations and trip options that are ideal for heli skiing novices:




We plan many excursions into the extraordinary Canadian wilderness, with twelve potential trip options at your disposal. Canada is the most popular helicopter skiing destination in the world, and CMH heli skiing is widely considered to be the finest operator. Canada, being the second-largest nation on the planet, features unparalleled terrain diversity and, depending on the specific lodge you opt for, is perfect for first-timers.


Beyond the vast, varied terrain, British Colombia is also known for its excellent snow conditions, which, during ski season, boast some of the fluffiest, lightest powder you can find anywhere. The ski season is comparatively long, and the conditions are consistent, making Canadian trips a great option for expert skiers and beginners alike.


Recommended Trips: For those heading off on their first helicopter skiing experience, we cannot recommend the Powder Introduction trip enough. This adventure is specifically designed to help strong intermediate-level skiers find their feet in deep powder. These trips can be arranged in relaxed groups of four, which falls into our small group options, or ten skiers of a similar level with two guides between them.


For those who are concerned about their ability to match the pace of the group, fear not; these trips employ a “slow and steady” approach, meaning everyone will be able to ski at a pace that they are comfortable with. If you are interested, you can enjoy our Powder Introduction trips at three different remote locations, namely Bugaboos Lodge, Cariboos Lodge, and Adamants Lodge.


Private Helicopter Skiing Trips


If you are looking for the pinnacle of exclusivity and luxury, our private helicopter skiing trips are the way to go. These adventures are completely tailored to you and your group’s needs, with a dedicated helicopter at your disposal. While these trip options are equally great for experienced heli skiers, they also act as an excellent introduction to the world of heli skiing, should you choose.


We can arrange for these trips to be constructed with groups of around four guests, but larger and smaller group sizes can also be accommodated (depending on the destination you are considering). As the skiing pace is set by the group, these trips offer an incredible opportunity to make the most of the low guide-to-guest ratio, allowing skiers to ask as many questions as they like, building their confidence in the backcountry.


Helpful Tips for Your First Helicopter Skiing Trip With Pure Powder


When you’re not adequately prepared, embarking on your first helicopter skiing adventure can be overwhelming and not as enjoyable as it should be. Having said that, here are some essential tips to help you make the most of it and ensure your trip is all thrill and no fuss.


Dress in Layers: Unlike resort skiing, where chairlift rides can be cold, heli-skiing involves heated helicopter trips. We recommend wearing a non-insulated shell and several synthetic layers of varying thickness so that you can adjust to the changing temperatures.


Take Your Time: There is no need to rush; if you need to stop and catch your breath, feel free to take the time to do so. This is because skiing at a comfortable pace helps to preserve your energy and prevent exhaustion, making the experience that much more enjoyable. To put it bluntly, listen to your body and take breaks when necessary.


Listen To Your Guide: Your guide’s instructions are paramount when it comes to your overall safety and enjoyment of the trip, so make sure you pay attention to their signals and recommendations. After all, it’s important to remember that guides have extensive knowledge of the area and can provide valuable, personalised tips. Every operator that we work with ensures that their guides are comprehensively trained and qualified, so you can expect their knowledge and understanding of the backcountry to be top-tier.


What You Can Expect On Your First Helicopter Skiing Trip


Helicopter skiing offers a unique and exhilarating experience, but many people wonder what to expect from their first trip – so let’s take a look at what you should know.


Terrain And Snow


You’ll have the chance to ski everything from wide-open alpine bowls to tree skiing in old-growth forests. The diversity of terrain offers a unique challenge and an opportunity to explore different skiing conditions, and each run is a new adventure. You’ll also ski in unique snow conditions, from perfect powder to wind-pressed snow, with the ever-changing conditions adding an element of unpredictability and excitement.


Lodge Life


Lodges provide a perfect place to unwind and relax after a day on the slopes; enjoy beverages and snacks after skiing, followed by a soak in the hot tub or a relaxing massage. At mealtime, you can savour chef-prepared dishes and share stories with other members of your group. The gourmet dining experience adds a touch of luxury to your adventure, making each meal a memorable part of your trip as you try out a variety of local specialties.




About Pure Powder


Pure Powder has been in the helicopter skiing business for several decades, helping countless skiers make unforgettable memories across the globe. Whether you’re a first-timer or a seasoned veteran, we are here to offer you personalised, concierge-style service to ensure your trip is as seamless as it is memorable.


Since 1978, we’ve perfected the art of matching guests with their ideal skiing destination – so come join us for a winter adventure unlike any other as you embrace the thrill of helicopter skiing for the first time. To get in touch with us, simply call +44 (0)20 7736 8191 or send us an email at info@purepowder.com.


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